Dosimetry of aircrew personnel

In the course of their work in the air aircrew personnel are exposed to an increased level of cosmic radiation. Aircraft operators are therefore obliged to determine the radiation doses individually.

Initial Situation

In the course of their work in the air aircrew personnel are exposed to an increased level of cosmic ra-diation. Data from Germany show that they accumulate an average annual dose of more than 2 mSv. According to the revised Radiological Protection Ordinance (RPO), aircrew personnel are therefore considered to be occupationally exposed to radiation if their professional activity in the air may result in an annual dose of 1 mSv.

Determination of Radiation Doses

Since conventional personal dosimeters are not suitable for assessing the dose from cosmic radiation, the radiation doses of flight personnel are calculated. The information sheet Dosimetry of aircrew personnel (PDF, 219 kB, 01.09.2022) provides information on the obligations of aircraft operators and approved software solutions.


Last modification 01.09.2022

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Radiological Protection
Non-ionising Radiation and Dosimetry Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 96 14

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