Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance Division

The Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance Division is responsible for the pharmaceuticals reimbursed under compulsory health insurance.

As part of the Health and Accident Insurance Directorate, the division works with an expert commission (Federal Pharmaceutical Commission, FPC) to draft and oversee the principles for the reimbursement of pharmaceuticals. In particular, it is responsible for the list of pharmaceutical specialities containing the pharmaceuticals reimbursed under compulsory health insurance. It also sets the prices of these pharmaceuticals and reviews them regularly. Furthermore, the division acts as a specialist arbiter in appeal proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court and the Federal Supreme Court relating to rulings on the reimbursement of pharmaceuticals. In addition, the division shapes the health insurance system by way of amendments to the law and ordinances governing the area of pharmaceuticals outlined above.

Jörg Indermitte and Andrea Rizzi Heads of Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance Division

Jörg Indermitte and Andrea Rizzi
Heads of Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance Division

Further information

Benefits and tariffs

What medical care does compulsory (basic) insurance pay for? What hospital can you go to for treatment? What about maternity benefits? Which tariffs and prices are set by the authorities?

Health insurance: Supervision of insurers

Insurers offering compulsory health insurance are supervised by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Health insurance: Description of services

Who decides what benefits compulsory (basic) health insurance pays? In this section you can find out who is responsible and the procedures for applying for coverage of new benefits.

Statutory foundation Health insurance

Find out here about the legislation regarding health insurance.

Health insurance: Current Revision Projects

Various revisions are under way in the field of health insurance. They affect legislation including the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal), the Health Insurance Ordinance (KVV/OAMal) and the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/OPAS).

Last modification 31.01.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Pharmaceuticals and Health Insurance Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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